
Keynote Speakers

The 2024 Public Law Conference boasts over 90 speakers and presenters. Some of the most notable include high-court judges from Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, as well as internationally renowned scholars.


    • The Honourable Sheilah L. Martin, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
    • The Honourable Michelle Gordon AC, Justice of the High Court of Australia
    • Justice Steven Majiedt, Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa
    • The Honourable Lorne Sossin, Justice of the Court of Appeal for Ontario
    • The Honourable Glenn Joyal, Chief Justice of the Court of the King’s Bench of Manitoba
    • The Honourable Christian Whata, Justice of the High Court of New Zealand
    • Timothy Endicott, Vinerian Professor of English Law, All Souls College, University of Oxford
    • Janet McLean, Professor of Law at the University of Auckland
    • David Dyzenhaus, Professor of Law and Philosophy at the University of Toronto and holder of the Albert Abel Chair of Law
    • Sarah Morales, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Victoria
    • The Honourable Audrey Boctor, Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec

Schedule, Panels, & Speakers


Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024


 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm  

  • Lobby 





5:00 pm – 7:00 pm 



Welcome Reception at the Supreme Court of Canada

  • Welcome (Justice Sheilah Martin, Supreme Court of Canada) 

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024



7:30 am – 8.30 am 

  •  Lobby 





 8:30 am – 9.15 am   



  • Room 147 

  •  Introduction to the Conference (Michael Pal, University of Ottawa) 
  • Smudging Ceremony (Claudette Commanda, Chancellor of the University of Ottawa) 
  • Director’s Welcome (Jason Varuhas, University of Melbourne) 


9.15 am – 10:45 am 



Plenary Panel Session – Mixed Systems: Canada



  • Room 147 

  • Professor Vanessa MacDonnell (University of Ottawa) 



  • Justice Sheilah Martin (Supreme Court of Canada) 
  • Chief Justice Glenn Joyal (Court of the King’s Bench of Manitoba) 
  • Professor Sarah Morales (University of Victoria) 
  • Professor Jérémy Boulanger-Bonnelly (McGill University) 



10:45 am – 11:00 am 

  • Atrium 


Morning Coffee Break


 11:00 am – 12:30 pm  

Parallel Panel Session (3)



Institutions & The Fourth Branch 

  • Room 351 

  • Jason Varuhas (University of Melbourne) 


  • Eoin Carolan, University College Dublin, “A Duty to Obey or a Power to Disagree?: An Examination of Inter-Institutional Disagreement” 
  • Hanna Wilberg, University of Auckland, “Watching over the Watchdog: Do We Need Judicial Review of the Ombudsman
  • Michael Pal, University of Ottawa, “Fourth Branch Constitutionalism”  



Indigenous Legal Traditions, Rights & Relations 

  • Room 302 




  • Sara Mainville (JFK Law LLP)  


  • Narelle Bedford, Bond University, “Australian Public Law and First Nations Peoples: The Aftermath of The Voice Referendum”
  • Dwight Newman, University of Saskatchewan, “Emerging Constitutional Doctrine on the Place of Indigenous Law Within the Common Law in Canada and Aotearea/New Zealand” 
  • Gib van Ert, Olthuis Van Ert, “Legislative Implementation of UNDRIP: The Story so Far” 
  • Robert Janes, JFK Law LLP, “The Implications of the Montour Decision” 

Proportionality & Justification 

  • Room 361 


  • Steve Chaplin (University of Ottawa) 


  • Juha Tuovinen, Durham University, “Proportionality in the Case Law of the South African Constitutional Court” 
  • Terry Skolnik, University of Ottawa, “Proportionality & State Wrongdoing” 
  • Jennifer Raso, McGill University, “To Explain or to Justify? Computer Science and Public Law Approaches to Evaluating Algorithmic Decisions”  


12:30 pm – 1:15 pm 

  • Atrium 






1:15 pm – 2:45 pm   

Parallel Panel Sessions (3)



Emergencies & National Security 

  • Room 361 

  • Anne Tardif (Gowling WLP) 


  • Jeff King, University College London, “Emergency Powers, Pandemic Law-Making, and the Legislative Measures Approach: A Critical Global Overview”   
  • Nusra Khan, Kapoor Barristers, “National Security Law-Making at the Center”
  • Sarah Gagnon, University of Ottawa, “Democratic Decline and the Emergencies Act: What Does the Rouleau Commission’s Report Reveal about the Health of Democracy in Canada?” 

Constitutional Reform & Participatory Rights 

  • Room 351 


  • Errol Mendes (University of Ottawa) 


  • Guillaume Rousseau, Université de Sherbrooke & Éloïse Désaulniers-Goulet, Université de Sherbrooke «Le devoir de préserver le caractère national de l’État et les droits de la personne en Israël et au Québec: historique, développements récents, comparaisons et perspectives d’avenir» 
  • Seána Glennon, University of Ottawa, “Measuring the Influence of Minipublics in the Public Law System: An Empirical Study of the Impact of the Citizens’ Assembly on Constitutional and Legislative Reform in Ireland”  
  • Ron Levy, Australian National University, “Should Secessionist Groups be Entitled to a Referendum?” 



Colonialism, Pluralism & State Institutions  

  • Room 302 


  • Kathryn Chan (University of Victoria) 


  • Marc Loureiro, University of Leicester, “Recalibrating Citizenship: Making Sense of Subjective Public Rights, Coloniality and Race” 
  • Erin Thomson-Leach & Louise Kyle, JFK Law LLP, “Decolonizing conservation: Re-imagining institutions through relationships and reconciliation” 
  • Anurag Deb, Queen’s University Belfast, “Zombie Law: Reflections on Latent Ontological Anxieties in the Windsor Framework”  


2:45 pm – 4:15 pm 


 Parallel Panel Sessions (3)


Criministrative Public Law  

  • Room 351 

  • Terry Skolnik (University of Ottawa) 


  • Yael Cohen-Rimer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Child Protection Law as Criministrative Law and the Need to View Poverty as Human Rights Violation” 
  • Janina Boughey, University of New South Wales, “Administrative Justice in Public and Private Prisons”  
  • Benjamin Berger, York University, “Jury Nullification, Pluralism, and the Structure of Public Law”  

Rights & Review 

  • Room 361 


  • Paolo Sandro (University of Leeds) 


  • Emmett Macfarlane, University of Waterloo, “Rights Deliberations, Hate Speech, and the Commonwealth Model of Judicial Review”
  • Megan Pfiffer, University of Toronto, “Toward a Rights-Based Theory of Substantive Review”
  • Bruce Chen, Deakin Law School, “Australian Formalism and Reluctance: Reflections on 20 Years of State and Territory Human Rights Acts” 




Theoretical Approaches to Powers, Duties & Rights 

  • Room 302 




  • Peter Oliver (University of Ottawa) 


  • Jacob Weinrib, Queen’s University, “The Crises of Constitutional Rights Theory”  
  • Joanne Murray, University of Ottawa, “The Power of Redress: Legal Subjects Quasi-Public Officials”  
  • David Vitale, University of Warwick, “Trust and Legitimate Expectations” 


4:15 pm – 4:45 pm 

  • Atrium 




Conway Baxter Wilson LLP Afternoon Coffee Break 



4:45 pm – 6:15 pm  



Plenary Panel Session – Administrative Law



  • Room 147 


  • Professor Geneviève Cartier (Université de Sherbrooke and Chair of the Research Council for the Public Inquiry into Foreign Interference) 


  • Justice Lorne Sossin (Court of Appeal for Ontario)  
  • Professor David Dyzenhaus (University of Toronto) 
  • Maggie Wente (Partner at Olthuis Kleer Townshend LLP) 
  • The Honourable Audrey Boctor (Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec) 


Thursday, July 4th, 2024



7:45 am – 8:15 am 





8:15 am – 9:15 am 


Doctoral Panel Session (3) 



Who Gets to Decide: Courts, Communities, Officials? 

  • Room 351 

  • David Vitale (University of Warwick)  


  • Capucine Colin, Université Toulouse Capitole, “The Role of Fourth-Branch institutions in Human Rights Protection: Insights from Canadian and Australian Experiences”  
  • Wandile Zondo, University of Cape Town, “Public Participation in Land, Mineral and Other Natural Resources-Related Matters: Does the concept of Representative Democracy Trumps Participatory Democracy within Rural Communities in South Africa?”
  • James Gaetani, Australian National University, “Engaging with Multiplicity: State Judicial Review Approaches to Indigenous legal orders in Australia and Canada”  

Minority Perspectives & Justice 

  • Room 302 


  • Michael Pal (University of Ottawa) 


  • Sonia Knowlton, Yale University, “Preserving Confidence in the Administration of Justice: An Unspoken Trade-off”  
  • Natalia Morales-Cerda, University College London, “Political Representation in Crisis in Contemporary Constitutional Democracies: What Can We Learn From Women’s Experience?”  
  • Sangh Rakshita, University of Oxford, “Combatting Algorithmic Discrimination using Anti-Discrimination Law”  



Testing the Boundaries of Law & Constitutionalism 

  • Room 361 


  • Jason Varuhas (University of Melbourne)  


  • Atagün Mert Kejanlıoğlu, McGill University, “State’s Duty to Protect International Human Rights Against the Constituent Power: A New Path for Constitutionalism?”
  • Mathilde Ambrosi, Université de Bordeaux, “The Oath of Office in the United States of America: Real Duty or Simple Formality?”  
  • Pravar Petkar, University of Edinburgh, “Territorial Division of Authority in the UK Constitution”  


9:15 am – 10:45 am 


 Parallel Panel Sessions (3)

Judicial Powers & Methods  

  • Room 361 


  • Mary Liston (University of British Colombia) 


  • Jason Varuhas, University of Melbourne, “Judicial Method in Public Law”
  • Edward Willis, University of Otago, “The Judicial Power (and Duty) to Review Administrative Expertise” 
  • Matilda Gillis, University of Cambridge, “Using Dialogue Theory to Defend Rights” 

Legislating Rights & Amending Constitutions 

  • Room 302 


  • Justice Colin Feasby (Court of King’s Bench of Alberta) 


  • Marion Sandilands & Mohammed Elshafie, Conway Litigation, “Looking for Rights in all the Wrong Places” 
  • Scott Stephenson, University of Melbourne, “'Uncertainty and Risk as an Argument against Constitutional Amendment'”  




Constitutional Interpretation & Interpreting Rights Instruments 

  • Room 351 


  • Caroline Guillemette (Department of Justice, Canada) 


  • Vanessa MacDonnell, University of Ottawa, “Unwrittenness as a Salient Constitutional Category” 
  • Andy Yu, University of Western Ontario, “Doré and Section 33 of the Charter”
  • Preston Jordan Lim, Villanova University, “Interpreting Rights, Duties, and Powers: Vincent Macdonald and the Growth of Living Tree Constitutionalism” 


10:45 am – 11:00 am 

  • Atrium 



 Morning Coffee Break 



11:00 am – 12:30 pm 



Plenary Panel Session – The Executive and Democracy



  • Room 147 


  • Shalene Curtis-Micallef (Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General of Canada) 


  • Professor Timothy Endicott (University of Oxford) 
  • Professor Janet McLean (University of Auckland) 
  • Professor Julian Davis-Mortenson (University of Michigan) 
  • Justice Michelle Gordon (High Court of Australia)  



  • Room 147 



Introduction to The Law Commission of Canada 

  • Kirk Shannon (Director General and Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Law Commission of Canada) 


12:30 pm – 1:15 pm 

  • Atrium 






1:15 pm – 2:45 pm  


Parallel Panel Session (3)


Administrative Powers & Oversight 

  • Room 351 


  • Jean-Simon Schoenholz (Norton Rose Fulbright Canada) 


  • Geneviève Cartier, Université de Sherbrooke, “Discretionary Decision-Making in Administrative Law – Between Power, Duty and Dialogue
  • Eddie Clark, Victoria University of Wellington, “Rights, Remedies and Justiciability in Judicial Review”
  • Robert Thomas, University of Manchester, “Administrative Law, Non-Judicial Systemic Scrutiny and Institutional Cultures” 


Environmental Constitutionalism & the Anthropocene: Powers, Duties or Rights? 

  • Room 302 


  • Vanessa MacDonnell (University of Ottawa) 


  • Sam Bookman, Harvard Law School, “Environmental Constitutionalism: Powers as Well as Rights!” 
  • Stéphanie Roy, Université de Sherbrooke, « Les pouvoirs publics en matière environnementale au Québec et au Canada : vers une gouvernance décentralisée? »  
  • Lael Weis, University of Melbourne, “Does Nature Need Rights?” 

Delegation & the Territorial Constitution 

  • Room 361 


  • Robert Drummond (Department of Justice, Canada) 


  • Adelyn Wilson, University of Aberdeen & Robert Taylor, University of Strathclyde, “Executive Law-Making and the Territorial Constitution: The Nature, Scope and Regulation of Delegated Legislation in the UK”
  • Nick Kilford, Durham University, “The Contribution of Unwritten Principles to the UK’s Territorial Constitution” 
  • Jessie Blackbourn, Durham University, “Implementing Statutory Duties: An Analysis of the Implementation by Local Authorities of the UK’s Prevent and Channel Duties” 


2:45 pm – 3:00 pm 

  • Atrium

Afternoon Coffee Break 



3:00 pm – 4.30 pm 


Parallel Panel Session (3)


Alternative Constitutional Constructions 

  • Room 302 


  • Gavin Phillipson (University of Bristol) 


  • Jean-Christophe Bedard-Rubin, University of Toronto, “Constitutional Rights, Responsible Government, and the Judicial Construction of the Unity of the State”
  • Kate Glover Berger, York University, “Structural Administrative Constitutionalism”
  • Akis Psygkas, Western University, “The Pluralistic Constitution in Comparative Perspective”  

The Judicial Process 

  • Room 351 


  • Matthew Estabrooks (Gowling WLG)  


  • Kathryn Chan, University of Victoria, “Organizational Litigants and the Representative Claim” 
  • Alexandre Marcotte, Department of Justice, Canada, “The Role and Duties of the Attorney General as Constitutional Interlocutor” 
  • Gerard Kennedy, University of Alberta, “Chief Justices’ Powers and Appellate Panels: Canadian Approach(es)” 



Bringing in ‘the People’ and Communities 

  • Room 361 


  • Seána Glennon (University of Ottawa) 


  • Paul Kildea, University of New South Wales, “Merely advisory or practically binding? The status of plebiscite results in Australia” 
  • Abigail Miller, University for Peace, “In Opposition to Divide and Conquer: Mapping the Realization of Human Rights for the Indigenous Peoples of Canada” 
  • Sarah Burton, University of Ottawa, “Schrödinger’s Citizen: A path to the democratically legitimate inclusion of non-resident citizens” 


4:30 pm – 6:00 pm 


Parallel Panel Sessions (3)

New & Emerging Duties & Rights 

  • Room 361 


  • Keshia West (Legal Reform Department, Jamaica) 


  • Charles-Maxime Panaccio, University of Ottawa, “Wokes and Fascists… ‘Tis Hard to Passe Between the Points of Both Unwounded’: Discrimination, Substantive Equality and Constitutional Rights”
  • Marika Giles-Samson, Court Challenges Program, “The Case for Access to Constitutional Justice in Canada as a Public Law Duty”  

Constitutional Values  

  • Room 302 


  • Han-Ru Zhou (Université de Montréal) 


  • Mary Liston, University of British Colombia, “A Revitalized Conception of the Canadian Separation of Powers Doctrine”  
  • Alyssa Tomkins & Keith Brown, Gowling WLG, “Charter Values in Judicial Review"
  • James Maurici KC, Landmark Chambers, “The Case for Fiduciary Duties in Public Law or when Public Law Duties are not Enough…”  

Digital Constitutionalism 

  • Room 351 


  • Alison Gray (Gowling WLG)  


  • Sujit Choudhry, Haki Chambers, “Indirect Horizontal Effect, Constitutional Rights, and Social Media Platforms”  
  • Peter Oliver & Céline Castets-Renard, University of Ottawa, “Public Law Perspectives on the Proposed Artificial Intelligence and Data Act: The Challenge of Agile Law-Making in a Fast-Moving Sector” 
  • Gavin Phillipson, University of Bristol & Robert Simpson, University College London, “Tackling Extreme Speech on Social Media Platforms: A Normative Taxonomy of Regulatory Approaches”  


7:00 pm – 11:30 pm 



Gala Dinner at the Canadian Museum of History



  • Welcome (Justice Andromache Karakatsanis, Supreme Court of Canada) 
  • Performance & Fireside Chat with Jeremy Dutcher (moderated by Sara Mainville, JFK Law LLP) 



Friday, July 5th, 2024



9:00 am – 10:30 am 


Plenary Panel Session – Mixed Systems: International

  • Room 147 


  • Chief Justice Satiu Simativa Perese (Chief Justice of Samoa) 


  • Justice Steven Majiedt (Constitutional Court of the Republic of South Africa) 
  • Justice Christian Whata (High Court of New Zealand) 
  • Professor Denis Baranger (Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas) 


10:30 am – 10:45 am 

  • Atrium 




Morning Coffee Break 





10:45 am – 12:15 am 


 Parallel Panel Session (3)

Privileges & Conventions  

  • Room 302 


  • Eoin Carolan (University College Dublin) 


  • Conor Crummey, Maynooth University & George Letsas, University College London, “A Moral Theory of Constitutional Conventions”  
  • Jelena Gligorijevic, Australian National University, “Parliamentary Privilege: Right, Duty or Power?” 
  • Leonid Sirota, University of Reading, “What Can be Done to Counter the Decay of Constitutional Conventions?”  




Remedies & Ouster Clauses  

  • Room 351 


  • Joanne Murray (University of Ottawa) 


  • Dean Knight, Victoria University of Wellington, “Declaratory Remedies in Judicial Review and the Prudential Exercise of Administrative Power”
  • Robert Craig, University of Bristol, “’Third-generation’ ouster clauses: Anisminic, Privacy International and the Illegal Migration Act 2023
  • Paolo Sandro, University of Leeds, “Legally unlimited after all? Revaluating the scope of the legislative power of the UK Parliament in light of the ouster clauses saga” 

Influencing Public Law & Influences on Public Law 

  • Room 361 


  • Kate Glover Berger (York University) 


  • Marie Padilla, Université de Bordeaux, “Public Law and Legal Scholars: What Powers, Duties, and Rights in the Construction of Public Law Knowledge?”  
  • Errol Mendes, University of Ottawa, “The Supreme Court of Canada Triggers Internal and External Debate on the Rights, Duties and Powers of the Court Itself and its Ability to Extend the Reach of Public Law”  
  • John Wilson, Gowling WLG, Nelson v Marchi Three Years On: Some Lessons from Administrative Law”  

12:15 pm – 12:30 pm 

  • Room 147 

Closing Remarks 

  • Vanessa MacDonnell & Michael Pal (University of Ottawa) 



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Canapes, a three-course dinner, and a spectacular view, all in one memorable evening.

dinner gala (1)

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An International Collaboration


University of Melbourne Law School

Melbourne Law School's vibrant and active community comprises expert and award-winning teaching staff, a strong alumni network, dedicated mentors, visiting scholars from across the globe, leading research centres and institutions, as well as our partner international organisations.


University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Common Law Section

As a global and national leader in a variety of fields, the Common Law Section offers specializations in Dispute Resolution, Environmental Law, International Trade, Business and Human Rights Law, Social Justice, Technology Law, Public Law and Aboriginal Law.


The University of Ottawa Public Law Centre

The uOttawa Public Law Centre at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law is Canada’s leading centre for public law research, debate and engagement. The Centre is home to the largest number of public academics in the country.

Our Sponsors


Platinum Sponsor: Gowling WLG

Gowling WLG represents a natural evolution for its founding firms - Gowlings and Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co - who, throughout their histories, have continually adapted to better serve their clients' needs. With roots tracing back to 1887, Gowlings has grown to become one of the largest and most respected law firms in Canada, with a reputation for innovation in client-focused service delivery. 

Gowling WLG représente une évolution naturelle pour ses cabinets fondateurs - Gowlings et Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co - qui, tout au long de leur histoire, se sont continuellement adaptés pour mieux répondre aux besoins de leurs clients. Avec des racines qui remontent à 1887, Gowlings est devenu l'un des cabinets d'avocats les plus importants et les plus respectés au Canada, avec une réputation d'innovation dans la prestation de services axés sur le client. 


Platinum Sponsor: JFK Law LLP

Based in Vancouver, Victoria and Toronto, JFK Law provides legal advice and services with an emphasis on Aboriginal law and constitutional law across Canada. Driven by a passion for justice, they offer creative legal solutions and work towards meaningful change. 

Basé à Vancouver, Victoria et Toronto, JFK Law fournit des conseils et des services juridiques en mettant l'accent sur le droit autochtone et le droit constitutionnel à travers le Canada. Animés par une passion pour la justice, ils proposent des solutions juridiques créatives et œuvrent en faveur d'un changement significatif. 


Conference Series Sponsor: Hart Publishing

Hart is a leading publisher of law books and resources and the home to countless award-winning authors. With over 2,000 titles on our list, we publish books for students, academics and practising lawyers which enhance the study and practice of law in all its aspects. 

Hart est l'un des principaux éditeurs d'ouvrages et de ressources juridiques et la maison d'un grand nombre d'auteurs primés. Avec plus de 2 000 titres à notre catalogue, nous publions des livres pour les étudiants, les universitaires et les juristes en exercice qui améliorent l'étude et la pratique du droit sous tous ses aspects. 

LCC Emblem

Gold Sponsor: Law Commission of Canada

The Law Commission of Canada is an independent body that provides non-partisan advice to the federal government on matters relating to the improvement, modernization and reform of Canadian laws. 

La Commission du droit du Canada est un organisme indépendant qui fournit des conseils non partisans au gouvernement fédéral sur les questions relatives à l'amélioration, à la modernisation et à la réforme des lois canadiennes. 


Silver Sponsor: Borden Ladner Gervais

Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L., S.R.L. (BLG) est l'un des plus grands cabinets d'avocats canadien véritablement multiservices. À ce titre, il offre des conseils juridiques pratiques à des clients d'ici et d'ailleurs dans plus de domaines et de secteurs que tout autre cabinet canadien. 

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) is one of Canada's largest, truly full-service law firms. As such, it provides practical legal advice to domestic and international clients in more areas and sectors than any other Canadian firm. 


Silver Sponsor: Conway Litigation

Fondé en 2014, Conway est un cabinet boutique spécialisé en litige dont le siège social est à Ottawa. Nous sommes régulièrement appelés à plaider des dossiers parmi les plus complexes et notre expertise est activement sollicitée par des clients à la recherche de solutions sur mesure pour leurs besoins en litiges. Nous nous spécialisons en premier lieu dans les litiges commerciaux, les litiges de droit public et la plaidoirie en appel, mais grâce aux vastes ressources dont nous disposons, nous sommes à même de prendre en charge les dossiers les plus variés et les plus complexes et d’élaborer des stratégies parfaitement adaptées.

Founded in 2014, Conway is a boutique litigation firm located in Ottawa. We routinely litigate some of the most sophisticated and complex cases and we are actively sought out by clients to handle their personalized litigation needs. Our main areas of practice include commercial litigation, public law litigation, and appellate advocacy; however, our firm size and resources allow us to pivot quickly, meaning we have the capability to take on outside-the-box cases.



Silver Sponsor: Norton Rose Fulbright

Norton Rose Fulbright provides a full scope of legal services to the world’s preeminent corporations and financial institutions. The global law firm has more than 3,000 lawyers advising clients across more than 50 locations worldwide. 

Norton Rose Fulbright offre une gamme complète de services juridiques aux plus grandes entreprises et institutions financières du monde. Le cabinet d'avocats international compte plus de 3 000 avocats qui conseillent leurs clients dans plus de 50 sites à travers le monde. 


Bronze Sponsor: Olthuis van Ert

Olthuis van Ert is a barristers' practice specializing in commercial litigation and public law, with offices in Vancouver and Ottawa. 

Olthuis van Ert est un cabinet d'avocats spécialisé dans les litiges commerciaux et le droit public, avec des bureaux à Vancouver et à Ottawa. 


Bronze Sponsor: Torys

Torys est reconnu pour offrir des conseils éclairés et un service à la clientèle hors pair et pour avoir l'équipe transfrontalière la plus intégrée sur le marché. Nous sommes fiers du calibre élévé de nos analyses et de nos idées. 

Torys is renowned for offering expert advice and outstanding customer service, and for having the most integrated cross-border team on the market. We pride ourselves on the high calibre of our analysis and ideas. 

Juristes Power - Logo (grand)

Bronze Sponsor: Power Law

Power Law is a passionate team focused on civil litigation, labour and employment, and all areas of public and constitutional law. Their insight and experience are built on a proven track record of resolving a wide spectrum of complex legal matters inside and outside of court. 

Power Law est une équipe passionnée qui se concentre sur le contentieux civil, le droit du travail et de l'emploi, ainsi que sur tous les domaines du droit public et constitutionnel. Sa perspicacité et son expérience reposent sur une expérience éprouvée dans la résolution d'un large éventail de questions juridiques complexes, tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieur des tribunaux. 

Thank you for registering!

See you soon!